JSTV Wuxi City News Channel 快标清明珠宽频 Line

Wuxi City News Channel brief introduction

WuxiCityTVNewsChannel WuxiTVstation JSTV Jiangsu Pr 2013 http://v.thmz.com/ Wuxi City News ChannelDetails
Wuxi City News Channel WXTV-2 Wuxi is one of the major television channels to reflect the voice of the people, the people, the people as their responsibility, to build civilian television service TV image. Wuxi City News Channel program has major metropolitan train, Wuxi City News Channel, 60 points tonight, Wuxi city information channels, video theater and other columns.         Wuxi Taihu Pearl television network affiliated with Wuxi Broadcasting Group, Wuxi Broadcasting Group was established in 1999, is China's first city-level Broadcasting Group. In December 2007 the implementation stage separation Bureau, the former Radio and TV function after stroke Wuxi Wuxi TV station owned by the newly established Media Bureau, Wuxi re-established radio and television, the Group implemented a body, two brands of operational management.