The hot channel of taiwantv
- Boss Golf Channel - BTV-G
- SET Integrated channel - SET-1
- SET Taiwan Channel - SET-2
- ICN International TV - ICN
- Transit News Channel - CTI-1
- Videoland Japan channel - WLTV-2
- Celestial Movies Asia -
- Taiwan TV station in English - TWTV
- East Senyang piece - EBC
- The CTV channel - CTV
- Videoland Sports channel - VLTV
- Boss Tennis Channel - BTV-T
- Taiwan TV - TTV
- Celestial Movie Channel - ccm tv
- TVBS - TVBS-56
- Life TV - lifetv
- Niandai News Channel - eranews
- CTi Variety - CTI-2
- TVBS news station - TVBS-2