JSTV Zhenjiang channel people 快标清镇江广电 Line

Zhenjiang channel people's livelihood brief introduction

Zhenjiangtelevisionchannelpeople'slivelihood ZhenjiangTelevision JSTV Jiangsu Pr 2013 http://www.zjmc.tv/ Zhenjiang channel people's livelihoodDetails
Zhenjiang television channel people's livelihood ZJTV-2 from the perspective of the public look at the news; people stand to interpret the news; people's language to tell the news. Zhenjiang TV channel's official website livelihood in a more comprehensive introduction to the people's livelihood Zhenjiang television channels, viewers prompt attention.         Zhenjiang main channel people's livelihood and other columns to see when there is a large port city (re) South-South chewing interest (weight), health insurance and Tang, Jiang days glance, South-chewing fun, rule of law.         Zhenjiang television TPR in 1984, Zhenjiang television, is the creation of television channels: Channel News Zhenjiang, Zhenjiang channel the people's livelihood, Zhenjiang city information channels, television shopping channels, network channels. TV Brand column: Live Zhenjiang, evening reports, see Zhenjiang, English news, tomorrow