CQTV Tongliang Culture Travel 标清重庆电信 Line

Tongliang Culture Travel Channel brief introduction

TongliangTelevisionCultureTravelChannel TongliangTV CQTV Chongqing 2017 http://tongliang.cbg.cn/ Tongliang Culture Travel ChannelDetails
Tongliang Culture Travel Channel is tongliang district vigorously implement & ldquo; tourism Xingqu & rdquo; breakthrough strategy, and actively promote the & ldquo; Global Travel & rdquo; construction, initially formed to China's fourth largest ancient city & mdash; home of the ancient city as a leader, Pakistan Yue Shanxuan day Lake Resort, a small North Sea resort for the two wings to huangjuezhen door odd color dream garden, tricolor & middot; countryside time, love Lianhu Wetland Park and other rural tourist attractions to help the & ldquo; 1 + 2 + N & rdquo; the overall pattern of tourism development.         Tongliang Chongqing area will be based on the construction of first-class, well-known tourist city of culture, focused on enhancing the brand influence, do & ldquo; based in Sichuan and Chongqing, called out the National .