AHTV Wuhu News Channel 皖江明珠 Line

Wuhu News Channel brief introduction

WuhuTVnewschannel WuhuWanjiangPearlTV AHTV Anhui Prov 2013 http://www.wuhubtv.com/ Wuhu News ChannelDetails
Wuhu in Anhui News Channel WHTV-1 is one of Wuhu TV station affiliated television stations, news channel Wuhu Wuhu main sections are News Network, the first Aspect, Aspect story, male theater, feature films cultural Wuhu, Wuhu weather forecast, Family Theater, every day health.    Large-scale network interactive platform Wuhu TV station only official website, has Wuhu TV programs and radio programs of video, audio, live, broadcast and online replay copyright, is a combination of television community, news, sports, arts, science, education and many other rich content < / p>     Wuhu TV station was established in 1970, so far 40 years, it began as a relay stations, ocher Hill Park address in the top of the hill in the center of Wuhu City.