Dalian lifestyle channel brief introduction
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Dalian lifestyle channelDetails
Dalian TV channel DLTV-2 is one of the main radio and television channels Dalian, located in the public services, dedicated to news forces audience share market ranked second in Dalian, the Dalian region's most influential channel the people's livelihood One. Currently broadcast time 19 hours a day, with "city train" "the most life" brand column, but also has the ability to make large-scale activities and advantages and features broadcast season activities; excellent live theater performance ratings channels become Dalian the most loved by the audience of television theater. Dalian TV currently offers seven channels broadcast television network, which are Dalian TV news channel, Dalian TV channel, Dalian public television channel, Dalian TV channel style, Dalian TV movie
Dalian TV channel DLTV-2 is one of the main radio and television channels Dalian, located in the public services, dedicated to news forces audience share market ranked second in Dalian, the Dalian region's most influential channel the people's livelihood One. Currently broadcast time 19 hours a day, with "city train" "the most life" brand column, but also has the ability to make large-scale activities and advantages and features broadcast season activities; excellent live theater performance ratings channels become Dalian the most loved by the audience of television theater. Dalian TV currently offers seven channels broadcast television network, which are Dalian TV news channel, Dalian TV channel, Dalian public television channel, Dalian TV channel style, Dalian TV movie