JXTV Jiangxi TV Guide Channel 官网直播 Line

Jiangxi TV Guide Channel brief introduction

JiangxiTVTVGuideChannel JiangxiTV JXTV Jiangxi 2013 Jiangxi TV Guide ChannelDetails
"Jiangxi TV Guide channel", is the first regional promotion of professional digital TV channels, our province is the first television program guide channel, is the only Jiangxi province-wide broadcast of free digital TV channels. At the same time, the TV Guide Channel is a province-wide four million simultaneous users of analog to digital TV channels.   "Jiangxi TV Guide Channel" and Jiangxi Radio and Television Network Company jointly invested by Jiangxi and Taiwan, since 2003, Jiangxi rely on digital TV platform enrich their own programs, programs on digital TV platform in Jiangxi reached hundreds of sets where more than 60 sets of basic channels, premium channels, more than 40 sets, and this number will continue to increase. After the turn of Jiangxi whole digital TV subscribers will reach 400 hundred million. As digital video electricity