JSTV Huaian public channel Line

Huaian public channel brief introduction

Huaianpublictelevisionchannel Huai'anTelevision JSTV Jiangsu Pr 2013 http://www.habctv.com/ Huaian public channelDetails
Huaian public television channel broadcast Huai'an HATV-2 channel, focusing on live Huai'an, Huai'an to provide viewers with a live interactive platform for free, Huai'an section of the main public channel home in Huai'an, legal broadcast, observed today, overseas and other entertainment now .         Huai'an News Channel main sections Huai'an News Network, Chinese tourism, real estate Huai'an, rich story and so on. Huai'an Television News Channel now has Huai'an, Huai'an city life channel, three channel television channel Huai'an, Huai'an TV stations in addition owns television media resources Huai'an, Huai'an National Radio, Radio and Television Huai'an, Huai'an audiovisual net.         Huai'an Television was established in March 2008. Huai'an television stations with news stand,