AHTV Bengbu cultural and educ Line

Bengbu cultural and educational channel brief introduction

BengbuculturalandeducationalTVchannel Bengbustation AHTV China 2017 http://www.ahbbtv.com/ Bengbu cultural and educational channelDetails
Bengbu cultural and educational radio and television channel launched in September 2014. Bengbu cultural and educational radio and television channel, to be located in the fields of culture, education, science and technology, sports and other content-based play, with cultural atmosphere, the ethos is characterized by taste, with elegant and impressive, high but not expensive for the specialty channel image identified .     Documentary category & mdash; & mdash; outstanding documentaries made my 30-years of accumulation, such as "image Bengbu" series, the introduction of domestic and international documentaries, such as "Summer Palace", "the pace of civilization"  Popular science class & mdash; & mdash; outstanding science humanities programs, such as "Quest", "Man and Nature"  TV drama class & mdash; & mdash; excellent shadow