ZJTV Lanxi News Channel cztv Line

Lanxi News Channel brief introduction

LanxiTVnewschannel LanxiRadioandTelevision ZJTV Zhejiang P 2014 http://www.lxzc.net/ Lanxi News ChannelDetails
Lanxi City, radio and television news channel NXTV-1 in accordance with the "news stand Taiwan" concept, give full play to the geographical advantages, highlighting local characteristics to comprehensive livelihood class news as the basic framework, the news columns for the extension, news-depth reports based perspective social hot spots, focus news events. To "Lanxi News", "the people's livelihood 6 + 1", "Lan Jiang Xianfeng", "online department" to lead the fourth gear section, under the "Lanxi good", "travel extensively Lanxi" and "Water asked face to face" and other small news column.