XJTV Xinjiang Legal Informati Line

Xinjiang Legal Information Channel brief introduction

LegalinformationXinjiangTelevisionChannel XinjiangTelevision XJTV Xinjiang 2016 http://www.xjtvs.com.cn/ Xinjiang Legal Information ChannelDetails
Xinjiang television stations Legal information channel in August 1980 formally launched, is the first country approved the establishment of the province (district) level educational television station. Xinjiang Education major education news channels, film and television castle, Universal geography, laughter hall comic sketches highlights, humanities China (weight) V music charts, Trolltech nature, through the classic, Animation Network, the mystery around Xinjiang weather forecast.         Xinjiang Television XJTV-13 (Tianshan theater channel, namely Uighur movie channels), XJTV-14 (Bazaar entertainment channel), XJTV-15 (education online channel) to promote three digital channels.

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