taiwantv Taiwan Dharma satellite 直播普清 Line

Taiwan Dharma satellite uctv brief introduction

DharmaTV Dharmastations taiwantv Taiwan Pro 2017 Taiwan Dharma satellite uctvDetails
Taiwan Dharma satellite live online  "Swim the ocean, mountains and rivers involved, swords visit Road to Zen!"  For a long time, many of the Buddha and Buddhists have another way, often to hear the Most Excellent Dharma, run around, the shuttle in the dojo from south to north. But the modern business society we are all busy with work and everywhere at once, so not only in itself exhausted, powerless, and even heart trouble and opposition from family practice the dharma! For all of these conditions, as well as a mass communication industry are well aware that the television media for far-reaching impact of social values ​​and responsibility, we began preparations for the Republic of China in 83 years, not afraid of hard to set up, "Dharma Dharma satellite TV"! & Nbsp;   Dharma television Source: http