SCTV Panzhihua comprehensive FM910对农广播 Line

Panzhihua comprehensive broadcasting brief introduction

PanzhihuaforagriculturalBroadcasting Panzhihuaradioandtelevision SCTV Sichuan Pr 2013 Panzhihua comprehensive broadcastingDetails
Panzhihua Panzhihua integrated radio FM885 for agricultural Broadcasting FM910         Panzhihua a comprehensive news channel PZHTV-1 is a news-based, integrated channels, rolling broadcast news six times a day Panzhihua, Panzhihua TV news channel meets West "news point of view", "local feel", "Sands Rainbow" "Panzhihua Starsky" and a number of excellent running the column and drama. Panzhihua Panzhihua news channel is the region's first TPR, the greatest impact, achieve an integrated channel signal covered the city. Program signals simultaneously transmitted to the periphery of Chuxiong, Liangshan Prefecture, the population coverage of approximately 900 million.         Panzhihua TV (English Panzhihua TV Station, the abbreviation