HNWS Anyang News Channel 安阳移动标清 Line

Anyang News Channel brief introduction

AnyangTVnewschannel AnyangTV HNWS Henan Prov 2013 Anyang News ChannelDetails
When Anyang TV news channel aytv1 main news program Anyang, Anyang noon news, evening news, news large field of view, archive, auto finance, people from different places Anyang, Anyang public channel, the rule of law, with the first healthy, billing pregnant, the first a consumer, sunshine dialogue.   Anyang television station founded in 1984, is one of the television stations in Henan Province cities TPR earlier. Currently headed Anyang television presenter (18) has formed a recording, production, broadcast, transmit more complete gathering, editing, broadcasting system, already has three sets of programs broadcast, television Anyang TPR 20 anniversary celebration (9) days 44 hours, running the two programs broadcast 14 hours a day, the ability to program a self-half hours. 14 news, cultural, economic