HLJTV Suihua public channels 绥化广电 Line

Suihua public channels brief introduction

Suihuapublictelevisionchannel SuihuaTV HLJTV Heilongjia 2013 Suihua public channelsDetails
Suihua public television channel SHTV-2 is a livelihood Suihua area's public television channel, aired some of the main livelihood of the people, the public aspect of television programs for Suihua people will regularly broadcast some nice drama and so on. Suihua City, there are two television stations, three radio stations, television stations a total of two sets of live channels Suihua, Suihua are integrated channels, Suihua public channels, each channel has a broadcast address, 7 days a look back at part of the program, broadcast television Suihua network, make the network closer to some of life! Suihua Suihua radio and television broadcast networks are well-built network audiovisual public service platform, a new form of radio and television programs to broadband internet communication carriers broadcasters   Suihua television's official website: http: //www.shrt