CCTV CCTV Arabic Channel 央视官网 Line

CCTV Arabic Channel brief introduction

CCTVArabicInternationalChannel CCTV CCTV CCTV 2013 CCTV Arabic ChannelDetails
CCTV Arabic International Channel (channel call: CCTV- العربية) is an international channel China Central Television on July 25, 2009 launch, mainly service Arab viewers countries and regions. CCTV is following the Chinese, English, French and Spanish 5th international channels.         CCTV Arabic Channel to viewers Arab countries as the main target. As the core program of news, culture, entertainment and services to supplement with news, features, entertainment and teaching four classes 9 columns, there are "dialogue", "saying China", "documentary" and "Technology Expo" etc. it (Nilesat) transmission of television signals covering the Middle East and North Africa through the Arab satellites and satellite Nile