Yichun News Channel brief introduction
Yichun News ChannelDetails
Yichun Yichun a TV news channel YCTV-1 is a large city should be the main channel, the image of the external publicity responsibility Yichun City, Yichun City is around the audience to understand the window. Yichun News Channel to current affairs news program based information class, passing the city's political, economic, social, technological, cultural, educational, sports and other fields of information to the audience, the main sections are stories Yichun, Yichun scenery, Yichun news, weather forecast Yichun, people's livelihood through train. Yichun television station began broadcasting in 1985, is a file current affairs information like news programs to fast aging, dense amount of information passed as the audience loved the city's political, economic, social, technological, cultural, educational, sports and other viewers field audience eager to learn about the variety of useful information. <
Yichun Yichun a TV news channel YCTV-1 is a large city should be the main channel, the image of the external publicity responsibility Yichun City, Yichun City is around the audience to understand the window. Yichun News Channel to current affairs news program based information class, passing the city's political, economic, social, technological, cultural, educational, sports and other fields of information to the audience, the main sections are stories Yichun, Yichun scenery, Yichun news, weather forecast Yichun, people's livelihood through train. Yichun television station began broadcasting in 1985, is a file current affairs information like news programs to fast aging, dense amount of information passed as the audience loved the city's political, economic, social, technological, cultural, educational, sports and other viewers field audience eager to learn about the variety of useful information. <