SDTV Yantai Economic and Tech Line

Yantai Economic and Technology Channel brief introduction

YantaieconomicandscientificTVchannels YantaiTVstation SDTV Shandong P 2013 Yantai Economic and Technology ChannelDetails
Yantai economic and technological television channel YTTV-4 original style television channel Yantai, Yantai lifestyle channel main sections are taste Yantai, public auctions, rings club, Entertainment Tonight Department of Shandong, east opera Court, lithography show, Sunshine Park , elaborate Family Names, birth activity vehicle, such as a healthy, fun Qi, women help         Yantai TV station was established in July 1, 1984, Yantai is Yantai national television station TVB, has Yantai to do TV news channel, Yantai public television channel, Yantai Television TV channel, Yantai TV channel and four channels Yantai newscasts (FM101), Yantai economic broadcasting (FM105.9), Yantai traffic radio (FM103), Yantai music broadcasting (FM91.2)