JSTV Yangzhou Mobile Channel Line

Yangzhou Mobile Channel brief introduction

YangzhouMobileChannel YangzhouTelevision JSTV Jiangsu Pr 2014 Yangzhou Mobile ChannelDetails
Yangzhou Mobile TV channel YZTV-5 is the face of Yangzhou City, Metro bus crowd channel, the majority of the first song information provided in the crowd Yangzhou working life is, news and dedication to serve the masses.   Yangzhou television station founded Founded in 1984, the implementation of three - one (Yangzhou People's Broadcasting Station, Yangzhou television stations, cable television station Yangzhou) In early 1999, the Bureau of Taiwan unity. November 1, 2006 to implement Bureau is divided into units, the establishment of Yangzhou Radio and Television. Yangzhou Radio and Television has broadcast frequencies have four, four television channels, two digital channels and people's lives, city of Yangzhou two sites. TV aired reached a total of more than 35,000 hours, covering nearly 400,000 cable TV subscribers urban areas. \