CGTN Spanish channels brief introduction
CGTN Spanish channelsDetails
China International Spanish television channel (CGTN-Espa & ntilde; ol) is a China Central Television in 2007 October 1st run Spanish television channel. This channel is split from the Spanish program China Central Television channel in Spanish from French, and French programs are broadcast at the same time the new China Central Television French international channel. After the division Spanish French international channels and international channels to achieve 24-hour broadcast. China International TV channels Spanish channels with news programs as the core, each hour has news. Including the use of instant news release, major events live interviews and live coverage and in-depth interviews with guests such as the abundance of authority
China International Spanish television channel (CGTN-Espa & ntilde; ol) is a China Central Television in 2007 October 1st run Spanish television channel. This channel is split from the Spanish program China Central Television channel in Spanish from French, and French programs are broadcast at the same time the new China Central Television French international channel. After the division Spanish French international channels and international channels to achieve 24-hour broadcast. China International TV channels Spanish channels with news programs as the core, each hour has news. Including the use of instant news release, major events live interviews and live coverage and in-depth interviews with guests such as the abundance of authority